Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. What are the requirements for a patient to be eligible for home health care services?
A. To qualify for home health services, one must be:
- Homebound due to illness or disability.
- Under the care of a physician who will authorize home health care.
- In need of intermittent skilled services that can be provided at home.
Q. How is home care paid?
A. Home care is paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, or self-paid.
Q. What is covered by Medicare?
A. When a client qualifies for home care services, Medicare will cover 100% of home care services (i.e. Nursing, Physical Therapy, Home Health Aide, all other therapies, and Medical Social Services).
Q. How do I get home care?
A. You can receive home care by making a request to the agency from yourself, your family, a friend, doctor, or hospital discharge planner/ social service department.
Q. How do I know what service I need?
A. A qualified staff member of Tri-State Home Health Care will be able to evaluate your request and will make an initial visit to assist you in determining your plan for home health care. This visit is done at no cost to you.
Q. If I have another home health agency but want to switch to Tri-State Home HealthCare, what do I do?
A. You always have the right to choose your home health agency and to switch home health agencies. To switch your home health service needs to Tri-State Home Health Care, simply contact us now. We will visit your home and get your signature on the needed forms. Then we will contact your doctor and your last home health agency to advise them that you have chosen to switch and to coordinate your care.
Q. Do I get the same staff member at my home each time?
A. Tri-State Home Health Care strives to send the same caregivers to the same homes as much as possible. Occasionally, due to unforseen circumstances, we may have to send different qualified caregivers to make sure you get the full attention needed.
Q. Who oversees what is done?
A. Our multi-disciplinary team continuously reviews your care progress and coordinates care with your primary care physician.
Q. How do I know I can trust the people that come to my home?
A. It is our policy at TSHHC that each employee has a pre-employment drug-screen and criminal background check. We also obtain previous employment history, reference and credential checks. Our staff are bonded and insured..
Q. How do I get in touch with Tri-State Home HealthCare?
A. You can call 815-232-4040 anytime. Fax us at 815-232-4055 or email us at [email protected]. Office business hours are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend and holidays are covered by an answering service and the on call nurse.